The summary meeting of the project partners at Vilnius – October 2021

On October 18-20, 2021. The Headmasters of partner schools, their students, teachers and project coordinators participated in a meeting summarizing the implementation of the project „National minorities treasure of Europe” implemented under the Erasmus + Action 2 School Cooperation Partnership.
The meeting in Vilnius was devoted to discussing and summarizing all local activities carried out by individual project partners and activities carried out during joint international meetings of students and teachers.
Project coordinators from 3 schools also analyzed the project results achieved and the dissemination activities of the project. Evaluation activities carried out in partner schools were discussed. The meeting was also attended by students who had the opportunity to learn more about the common historical and cultural heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Despite the completion of the project, the partner schools decided to sign a declaration of further cooperation, which will result in joint new activities in the future.