Youth Exchange in Hajnówka – September 2021

On September 20-24, 2021. a meeting took place in Hajnówka, which was the 3rd and last exchange of groups of students carried out as part of the 3-year project.
The participants of the exchange had the opportunity to learn about history and traditions of the Belarusian minority in Poland, visited Bia?owie?a National Park in order to get to know the natural charm of Podlasie. They had also the pleasure to walk the Oak Trail of Polish Kings and Grand Dukes of Lithuania.
On the next day of the exchange, project participants visited Supra?l and Bielsk Podlaski – two significant centers on the map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Later they visited exhibition at the Museum of Icons and participated in workshops at the Museum of Printing. In Bielsk Podlaski they learned about the history of the Town Hall and visited the exhibition where they could admire the beautiful Belarusian towels.
Everyone also went to the Museum and Center of Belarusian Culture in Hajnówka, where they saw an ethnographic exhibition, painting and photography exhibition, and had the opportunity to participate in workshops on decorating T-shirts with Slavic symbols.
An important event in the program of the exchange was the ceremonial opening of the Belarusian Historical and Ethnographic Chamber, created as part of the project. Thanks to the involvement of students, their families and teachers of the school, a place has been created and will perform an educational function.
During the entire exchange, students actively tried to achieve the assumed goals of the project, practiced songs and dances typical for the Lithuanian and Belarusian national minorities. At the Museum of Little Homeland in Studziwody participants of the project tried to sing Local „White songs” . The result of these activities was the joint performance of the exchange participants during the „Picnic with Belarus”.